Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Spin Factory

It's being reported by state-run CNN that Gaddhafi's 28-year old son and a few of his grandchildren were killed in a NATO missile strike.

Two interesting twists immediately emerge.

First, this nugget of doublespeak from Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard, commander of NATO's military operations:

"NATO is fulfilling its U.N. mandate to stop and prevent attacks against civilians with precision and care -- unlike Gadhafi's forces, which are causing so much suffering."

That's at a press conference addressing killing some grandkids with a missile.


But, interestingly, there's immediate doubt over this story.

"We don't believe this is true," said Abdul Hafiz Ghoga, deputy chairman of the Transitional National Council in Benghazi. "It is all fabrications by the regime in a desparate attempt to get sympathy ... This regime constantly lies and keeps lying."

Hmmm. I can believe NATO targeted the house of Gaddhafi's son. I can believe it a lot easier than a story about rebel woman getting raped by 15 soldiers, escaping - with barely a scratch - to immediately hold a press conference.

Of course, that story was presented as incorruptible fact from the moment it happened.

I guess it just depends which side you're on...

"It Gets Better"

As you all know, I - like every suburban white person under 45 - was relentlessly targeted by bullies growing up. Which I why I recently felt a lot of empathy for another victim, Exxon.

Try searching for "Exxon" and "windfall." All those results are political headlocks and titty twisters.

People are FURIOUS at Exxon because in the Q1 financial data, they reported a 10.7 billion dollar profit on 114 billion in revenue.


I'll do the math. It's a 9.4% profit margin. For anyone remotely involved in business (read: not liberals) that's INSANELY TINY - especially by evil corporation standards.

There's a million dishonest ways to vilify them, though the most ridiculous is:

"profits are up 42%!"

WHO CARES!? That statistic is pure propaganda. Oil and gas sales are ALWAYS seasonal. It's still under 10% markup.

One way I like to unwind is by dominating people on Huffington Post's comment board. I mentioned how narrow Exxons profit margin was, and that - according to a believable estimate from Exxon - they only make 2 cents on every gallon. One guy, named "exflatlander" (wonder what he is now?) responded:

"Right. [that] assessment would have us all wonder who the heck is profiting from the remaining $3.30 a gallon (low estimate). Must be all those Indian gas station owners selling naan instead of pizza inside. : ) "

Doesn't that make you want to smash your head through a wall? This guy thinks gas appears at the station free of charge.

Let's say gas is $3.80. The TAXES average 41 cents. Exxon's profit averages 2 cents of that (gee, who should you be angry at?). The remainder is COST.

This idiot on Huffington Post (which one!?) somehow assumes there's no cost in taking goo from a mile below the surface of the earth and turning it into a liquid that not only makes everything in the world function, but is made available EVERYWHERE.

Of course, bullies aren't always the smartest.

Just wish they's grow up.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why There Will Be QE3

Phase 2 of the "Quantitative Easing" (read: "Savings Erasing") program is about to expire. There's a lot of chatter about whether or not there will be a 3rd one.

I think the answer is "yes." Here's why:


Monday, April 4, 2011


Not sure I want to waste time and energy on this, considering the low hits.

Sorry! Long story short, government spending is the problem! spending is the problem! You can't spend your way to financial success! That's not true anywhere but in liberal propaganda.

"Gee, I should take out a home equity loan to add on a home gym. That will help the economy!"

Why do people think this? It's a mystery. Anyway. Good luck - though you all deserve to die a fiery death for your utter ignorance and blind allegiance to the federal government.

Buy gold, buy silver, buy things that are worth something. Your dollars are meaningless and worth less each time Barry Hussein decides he wants to spend 500 billion on some bullshit the morons at Huffington Post think is "neat."

...remember, our biggest problem is the fact we don't have a train system that can take me between cities 20% faster than the alternative. IF ONLY WE HAD HIGH SPEED RAILS!!!