Monday, April 4, 2011


Not sure I want to waste time and energy on this, considering the low hits.

Sorry! Long story short, government spending is the problem! spending is the problem! You can't spend your way to financial success! That's not true anywhere but in liberal propaganda.

"Gee, I should take out a home equity loan to add on a home gym. That will help the economy!"

Why do people think this? It's a mystery. Anyway. Good luck - though you all deserve to die a fiery death for your utter ignorance and blind allegiance to the federal government.

Buy gold, buy silver, buy things that are worth something. Your dollars are meaningless and worth less each time Barry Hussein decides he wants to spend 500 billion on some bullshit the morons at Huffington Post think is "neat."

...remember, our biggest problem is the fact we don't have a train system that can take me between cities 20% faster than the alternative. IF ONLY WE HAD HIGH SPEED RAILS!!!


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